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80s Kids Nostalgic Movie Art

Minors Making Movies: The phenomenon of Childhood Narrative Filmmaking and how it brings folks of all walks of life together

From Steven Spielberg, to the guy you just bought your insurance policy from – many kids growing up had aspirations to be filmmakers and made amateur narrative movies, which we took very seriously at the time of production!

Spielberg’s new film “The Fabelmans” tells the story of Steven’s youth, growing up naturally with the love of filmmaking and an innocent creative eye. And although Spielberg may the most famous, many current actors, writers, and directors started their careers by picking up the family video camera, putting together a “cast” (ie: a group of friends) and shooting visual stories just for the sake of making them. These participants range from Oscar Issac and Val Kilmer to M. Knight Shaymalan, Wes Anderson, JJ Abrams and many others. But, it wasn’t just A-listers who made these backyard blockbusters. Many people from all walks of life participated in narrative homemade flicks when they were young, including some who became working professionals in media and others who followed different paths in life, but retained the positive memories of creatively making amateur movies with their friends when they were kids.

I and many others have discovered that finding time to reconnect with lost childhood creativity can truly help to re-ground ourselves emotionally in our strenuous adult lives. A few years ago, I decided to bring back some of the original “cast members” of a short film we made in 1989 and create a new show around the old story and footage. This project was the beginning of what has become the @growingupmovies platform. I can’t wait to share the finished product with you so please subscribe to the YouTube channel:

Once we have enough subscribers, I’ll release the show there. In the meantime, for more on Minors Making Movies, check out the following links from Growing Up Movies:

THE BET: The 1989 kid-made movie that started this all:


Adults repurposing “The Bet” movie we made as kids

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