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Growing Up Movies Launch Day!

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

Greetings Nostalgia Junkies! And WELCOME to GROWING UP MOVIES’s official launch day! It has been a long time coming, but I’m proud to finally present this new platform to you all. We are going to explore all things nostalgic and childlike creative-related. From movies, to toys, music, candy, fashion, trends, and especially being naturally creative. To start off, please check out Videosode #1, which is about retro action figures and creative displaying.

You can watch it here:

On Sunday, we will launch Videosode #2, where I explore sequels made to classic movies many years later (ie: Top Gun Maverick) and historical movie theatres. So please join me on this free and fun ride and tap into your inner creative, nostalgic child. Let’s add some brightness to our days by reminding ourselves that life can be easier than the matrix wants us to believe. Let’s go back to a time when we created just for the fun of it! Because that kind of sentiment can do wonders for our adult souls. If you like what you see, please do comment and share, for that’s how we spread the good word! And check out

Much more to come!

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