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Nostalgia Shorts Begins!

Namaste Nostalgies! We are in India on our honeymoon, so Growing Up Movies is on a new videosode hiatus until early November. But, there is plenty of fun stuff to catch up on in the world of pop culture nostalgia and childlike creativity and two perfect examples are below. In this first YouTube short, I quickly introduce Super7's new set of detailed action figures from Stanley Kubrick's classic masterpiece, 2001 A Space Odyssey:

And here, I dig into the natural creative combination of pop culture entertainment and our the artistic instincts we all had as kids. In this case, it's all about Back To The Future!

Lots and lots and lots of more fun content to come. Our goal at Growing Up Movies is to help bring a little happiness and calmness into our friends' adult lives by inspiring folks to reconnect to their love of being creative as we all were when we were kids. There is plenty more where this stuff comes from, so stay tuned!

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