Happy Labor Day Weekend Nostalgies!
In this week’s Growing Up Movies videosode, I share a personal story about childlike aspirations. It’s the tale of a classic original Atari Star Wars arcade game and how I ambitiously saved the money and navigated the logistics as a 12-year-old in the late 1980s to acquire this machine which I still treasure to this day. I hope this story inspires some of you because we all had sky high ambitions when we were young, before the “real world” shrouded our dreams. The good news is that such negative and hopeless energy which can be forced upon us as adults can also be deflected and reversed. Connecting with our old childlike creative ambitions is a great way to get our heads above the constrictions and obstacles that society burdens us with. We can achieve whatever we want in this life, if we set our minds to it. I invite you to take a trip down memory lane with an amusing tale of relentless ambition from a late 80s pre-teen and see if it inspires you to go out and finish that unfinished project, or save the money for that special item you have been wanting. We can do it by remembering how we did it when we were young. If you like this tale, please subscribe to the YouTube channel, comment, and share because I can’t spread this nostalgic goodness around the internet without you!