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Visual Podcast Parts 1 & 2 Launch!

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

Happy Friday nostalgia crazies! Today, check out the first VISUAL PODCAST (Parts 1 & 2). Meaning it’s a podcast, accompanied by stills, which the audio references. I talk to two of my oldest friends about retro action figure displaying, narrative movies we made when we were teenagers, and even how pop culture nostalgia can be a connective base for relationships! So much fun stuff to explore, so please follow along – whether you’re just listening or checking your phones here and there for the visuals. Oh, and when we talk about the movies we made when we were kids, you can see clips from the old footage circa 1990-1992. These “backyard blockbusters” are hilariously amateurish but also perhaps ahead of their time? You be the judge. Stay tuned to, follow us on social media, subscribe to the YouTube channel, and please please comment and share, because that’s how we spread the good word about nostalgia and childlike creativity!

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